Professions catalog for freelancers

The new professions catalog lets freelancers  showcase their unique skills and expertise more effectively, bridging the gap between the growing demand from clients and the current offerings on Fiverr, ensuring a more precise and efficient matchmaking process.

With professions, freelancers can easily offer more services than before, and clients will be directed to contact freelancers for a quote. (Related Gigs will still be available to order.)


How it works

In addition to searching for existing Gigs, clients can choose to search for freelancers with professions matching their needs. Results will display profession listings that lead to a new profession tab on the freelancer profile, providing more details about the freelancer’s skills, expertise, services, and the value they can deliver.

Eligible freelancers can add up to 3 professions, highlighting their full range of expertise and the types of services they offer. They can create their own or edit one or more of the suggested professions that will appear as drafts in the new ‘Professions’ page, located under the ‘My Business’ tab. These suggestions are based on the services you offer and your order activity.

To add a profession, click on ‘Add new profession’.

Important: Our Community Standards promote a fair and respectful marketplace. For guidance on aligning your profession profile with Fiverr’s policies, check out this article.

By adding a profession, you indicate that you use Fiverr as your primary job or profession and, therefore, are required to verify your information as a trader in accordance with the EU Digital Services Act.




Step 1: Add profession

Choose from one of the professions you’re eligible for from the dropdown. 

Note: If you don't see options you'd like to add for types of services or related skills and expertise, you can add your own as a 'suggestion'. If it's approved, it will be added to your profile for this profession.

Next, you’ll add the types of services* you’re willing to offer in this profession, and your related skills and expertise

Based on your selections, you’ll be able to choose additional titles that are more specialized for your profession. These variations on your profession may appear in search results if clients search for these specific terms. Make sure to only add titles that accurately reflect your expertise.

For example, if your profession is "software developer" and you add “python” as a related skill, you’ll see “python developer” as an option for another title. If selected, and a client searches for “python”, your listing may show “python developer” to match the client’s need.

*Clients will be directed to contact you for a quote if they have a project in mind related to these services.


Step 2: Provide details

Next, you’ll add a detailed description, and enter when you started working with clients in this profession. 

The description is where you can clearly communicate what you offer, why you're the best choice for potential clients, and how your services can solve their needs. 

For more information on writing a description that draws in potential clients, read Best practices for crafting your Fiverr profession.


Step 3: Link portfolio projects

Before you can submit your profession, you’ll need to link at least 2 related portfolio projects to showcase your capabilities. If you don’t have existing projects related to your profession, you can create new ones.


Learn tips for showcasing your portfolio projects in Best practices for crafting your Fiverr profession.

To link portfolio projects, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Add portfolio projects". This will open a new tab with the list of your existing portfolio projects.
      • If you haven’t created any projects yet, click the "Create new project" button.

  2. From your existing projects, select the project you want to link to your profession and click the "Link to profession" button at the top right of the project image.

  3. A new screen will be shown with two final steps:
    1. Create project: Provide relevant information about the portfolio project.
    2. Link to profession: Choose the relevant profession you want to link to this portfolio project and save the changes.

It’s important to make sure that the services and skills you selected in step 1 of creating your profession are clearly exemplified in your linked portfolio projects. This alignment helps buyers find you and better understand your expertise. 

Note: You can include past work or examples of the services you offer.

Repeat the above and make sure you link at least two projects to each profession you create.


Step 4: Add FAQs

Offering a clear FAQ section can help build trust by answering potential questions upfront, leading to a more confident buying experience.

This section is optional, but recommended.

Learn more about creating an effective FAQ section in Best practices for crafting your Fiverr profession.


Step 5: Tasks to complete & submit

Add a photo of yourself

  • If your current profile image shows something other than your face, you’ll be prompted to upload a new one. 
  • A clear photo of yourself is required for optimal visibility and to establish trust with clients.
    Note: This is the image shown on your freelancer profile and is not related to ID verification.

Verify your identity

Freelancers are required to complete the ID verification process to submit their profession.

  • If you haven’t completed the verification process, your profession will be in draft mode until it is successfully completed.
  • Freelancer accounts that fail verification are subject to restrictions.

Add an intro video (Optional)

Intro videos are a great way to stand out and connect with potential clients.

Vetted-only professions

Certain professions are only available for vetted freelancers.
In this initial phase, eligibility to create a vetted-only profession is available for a limited group of freelancers.

  • Freelancers who are suitable for a vetted-only profession will receive communications requesting them to submit additional information. This information will be manually evaluated to determine their eligibility to add this profession.
  • If approved, they will be able to create the related profession.
  • Rejected vetted-only applications will not impact active Gigs, metrics, or other professions the freelancer created.


What clients will see

Listings for professions are similar to listings for individual Gigs. Clients will see a brief overview of what you offer by showing the following:

  • Profession
  • Snippet from description
  • Profile image
  • Display name
  • Freelancer level
  • Location
  • Languages you speak
  • Skills and expertise you selected for your profession
  • Either image(s) from portfolio projects that you added to your profession or your intro video (depending on your profession)
  • Number of orders you’ve completed related to your profession and average rating
  • Baseline price for services (To ensure a fair marketplace, the price shown for “Services from” is based on your orders from the past year and will adjust dynamically with your activity, setting a baseline for quotes.)

Role card.png

Once a client clicks on your listing, they’ll go to the profession tab in your freelancer profile and see more details, including:

  • Years of experience in this profession 
  • Typical order price 
  • Featured clients
  • Types of services you offer with instructions to contact you for a quote in any of these areas
  • Gigs related to your profession
  • Portfolio projects added for this profession
  • Work experience
  • FAQs added for this profession
  • Reviews for orders related to this profession


It’s important to understand the difference between the metrics you see on the manage professions page and what clients see on your profession listing in the marketplace.

  • On your manage profession page, the number of orders and cancelations displayed reflect orders connected to the specific profession you’re viewing. This allows you to track performance for each profession individually.
  • On profession listings in the marketplace, the reviews, ratings, and order counts shown to clients are aggregated from all orders connected to that profession, which includes Gig orders that are related to that profession. This provides clients with a comprehensive view of your experience and performance within that particular field.

Profession troubleshooting tips

  • Professions you’re not currently eligible for (based on your existing Gigs) won’t be displayed in the dropdown menu.
  • A profession in any status will prevent that profession from being shown in the professions' drop-down menu. A profession can only be used once (One profession per category/catalog).
  • We have created some draft professions for you. If the profession you are looking for is not showing up in the drop-down, please check the draft professions tab.
    • You can edit or delete the draft profession to make it available for selection in the drop-down menu.
  • To see your most recent profile updates, refresh your page after making changes, such as adding a profile picture or a second portfolio project.
  • The success score for a profession is calculated based on the related Gigs connected to that profession and future orders directly from the profession.
    • You can find your profession score on the level system overview page.

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