Creating a profession in accordance with Fiverr's policies

Whether you're a web developer, graphic designer, or lawyer, it's important to understand the rules of ethical and lawful creativity. This article is based on Fiverr’s Community Standards, to provide more information, while fostering fairness and respect for all parties involved.


Presenting Authentic Professions

Professions will be visible to buyers, so setting proper expectations for your expertise will be key to your success. Make sure you accurately represent your profession and skills. Certain regulated professions (like lawyers, accountants, or even architects) require specific licenses and certifications. If the profession you are adding is regulated, make sure you have all relevant qualifications.


Payment and Communication

For the safety of our users, refrain from sharing contact information or payment methods on your profession profile. Conducting any business outside of Fiverr breaches Fiverr’s Terms of Service.


Objectionable Content

When creating a Profession, ensure you avoid any Objectionable Content. This includes refraining from using adult content, hate speech, discriminatory language, harassment, or any form of abusive behavior. Always strive to maintain a respectful and professional environment.


Prohibited Services

For a number of reasons, we prohibit certain types of services on Fiverr. Some services can pose unwanted risks for our users like privacy or financial risks; others are simply not in line with our values and policies. You may find more information in Fiverr’s Community Standards.


Understanding Third-Party Rights

As stated in Fiverr’s Community Standards, a third party is a company or person, other than Fiverr, that is indirectly involved in the services users offer or request. In the digital marketplace, respecting the rights of others is crucial in maintaining trust within our community, while safeguarding the integrity of the final results. Therefore, we require that users respect the broader Internet community and follow the terms of service (TOS) of other platforms and companies.

Academic and Workplace Dishonesty

Fiverr has strict rules against any form of academic or workplace dishonesty. This includes doing work that will be passed off as someone else's effort.

That means that you can't offer services to complete tasks like homework, tests, or job assignments that are supposed to be done independently. We want to ensure that everyone maintains academic and professional integrity.

Remember, it's important to follow any honor codes or policies of the respective institution or workplace, when offering any academic or workplace services. We're committed to upholding high ethical standards, and won't support any activities that compromise academic or workplace integrity. Read more about Academic and workplace dishonesty on Fiverr services.

Crypto and Blockchain

Cryptocurrency and blockchain services on Fiverr are limited exclusively to technical solutions. It's important to refrain from sharing financial or payment information, private keys, offering financial advice, engaging in trading activities, or offering any other prohibited services, as outlined in Fiverr's Community Standards.


Adhering to Licenses and Certificates

Using external elements like images, music, or themes can add flavor to your creative mix. However, transparency is key. You must clearly state that you are using third-party content and cannot claim it as your own. Carefully review the terms of any external elements and verify that your license for this third-party work includes the necessary permissions to be used by someone else.


IP and Originality

Fiverr highly regards the hard work and creativity of individuals across various fields, such as designers, artists, writers, and creatives worldwide. It's imperative that original work is consistently presented and delivered on our platform. We take immediate and strict action against any instances of non-original work being presented or delivered as original. It's crucial to be mindful of any intellectual property rights associated with external components. Prior to integrating third-party elements, make sure your understand the terms of their licenses to avoid unintentional breaches of intellectual property rights.

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