Your inbox is where all Fiverr communication between buyers and sellers takes place.
Your notifications are where you'll receive updates about what's going on with your orders and Fiverr account.
How it works
Your inbox is where you send, receive, and view all your messages with buyers/sellers.
To access your inbox as a buyer:
- Click the envelope/message icon at the top of the page.
- To view all your messages, click "See All in Inbox."
To access your inbox as a seller:
- You can view your messages on the left side of the page.
- To view all your messages, click "View All."
Note: Within a conversation, you can see the buyer's online status and local time.
You can also view more information regarding the buyer—such as average response time, spoken languages, order history with the buyer, and if they are a Top Buyer on Fiverr.
Inbox filters
Search for a specific conversation you want with the magnifying glass icon or go to All Conversations and activate a filter.
Filter option | Explanation |
All conversations | View all your inbox conversations. |
Unread | View unread conversations. |
Starred | View conversations that you've marked with a star. To mark a conversation that's important, click the star icon next to the conversation. |
Archived | View conversations in your history that you've stored for viewing later. |
Spam | View the conversations that were flagged as spam. |
Custom Offers | View the conversations where you've received custom offers. |
Requests | View conversations with your requested quotes from other sellers. |
Follow-up | View the conversations you marked with the Follow-up label. You also have the option to create your labels. |
Inbox actions
When you open the 'All Conversations drop-down menu' or click the 'Actions icon' (...) within the conversation, you'll be able to select different actions.
Action | Explanation |
Star/Unstar |
Use this feature to highlight specific users, conversations, or services. |
Mark as Read/Unread | Keep track of your conversations, and answer when it's most convenient. |
Archive | Use this feature to declutter your Inbox, but keep particular conversations that remain relevant to you, on hand. |
Delete | Use this feature to remove the conversation from your Inbox entirely. Don't worry, if you delete a conversation by mistake, you can always search for a particular user using the 'All Conversations' filter. |
Apply labels |
Use this feature to highlight specific conversations and interactions you would like to note—and as a way to organize your Inbox accordingly.
Reporting spam or inappropriate messages |
To report a message as a violation of our Terms of Service or as spam:
Note: If you experience an issue with a buyer during an order, please let us know immediately so we can assist. Once the order is completed, it will be possible to block the buyer. |
Create a custom offer | Sellers can send a buyer a custom offer. Sending custom offers gives sellers an opportunity to be proactive and offer their services to potential buyers, in a customized way. |
Reply | With the new reply option, you can reply to specific messages and/or files by selecting the message and writing your comments. |
Video calls
You may have a call even before an order is placed.
Learn more with Video calls (Zoom calls).
Note: Video calls are based on Zoom, and currently, only sellers can initiate video calls.
Some sellers will have the option to book a consultation.
Using notifications
In your notifications, you'll be updated about information from your Fiverr account.
Some notifications include direct links to a number of various actions required.
To access your notifications:
- Log in > click the bell icon.
In the Notifications area, you can view Orders created, Information submitted, Updated orders, Orders completed, Revision requests, Order Reviews, and more.
Note: To view more notifications, scroll downwards. - To edit your Email, Mobile, and Real-time Notifications settings, click the 'Settings icon' at the bottom of the Notifications area.