How to use the Shutterstock-Gig integration feature

Utilize our catalog of licensed stock media assets, powered by Shutterstock, for a unique opportunity to streamline your workload and take your Gigs to the next level, professionally.

The integration between Fiverr and Shutterstock gives you easy access to high-quality stock media that can help increase your Gig orders’ quality, as well as, balance work efficiency.

How it works

All sellers with Gig orders (in relevant categories) will have access to the Shutterstock interface. When you create a Gig, you will see the option to add Shutterstock Media directly into your packages.

You can also add stock assets as an Extra using the Add custom extra feature.

Sellers will receive:

  • Unlimited access to search and download watermarked media assets
  • Easy access to license and purchase stock media
    • Buyers purchase the licensing through your Gig package or as Extras
    • Once the license is purchased, sellers can instantly download assets from the Order page

How to use the Stock Media tab

Our media asset catalog, powered by Shutterstock, has endless options you can access directly in just two simple steps.
This feature also allows you to try out audio, image, and video samples for free before committing to purchase.

The Stock media tab allows you to:

  • Search for media directly on the Fiverr site
  • Manage all of your Gig assets in one place
    • View assets you want to try out and test for free
    • View assets you have already purchased the licensing rights for
  • Locate different types of media files easily
    • Move between audio, image, or video media tabs to find exactly what you’re looking for

To access the media library and look for stock assets

  1. Go to the Order Page, and click on the Stock Media tab.

  2. Search for new content to try or purchase via the Search media button. You can also manage and view your downloaded assets via the Manage media widget.



How to preview and download assets (free and licensed)

Whether it’s a song or illustration, you can try out a specific media file, free of charge.
This allows you and your buyer to test it out and confirm that it's the right file for the project before purchase.

These media assets are watermarked files that allow you to preview and use the image in your projects before purchasing the final version and the licensing rights.

To preview and download watermarked or licensed assets:

  1. Go to the Stock Media tab, click the Search Media button, and type in the term or keyword for the media asset you want.
  2. Click the media thumbnail you would like to preview.
  3. Click the Try button to download the watermarked media asset for free.
    Once the license is purchased, you can click the License button to download a high-resolution file.


    Please note: As soon as you click License, the media file will immediately download.

    If you need to download the asset again, the seller will only have up to 8 hours to do so. After 8 hours from the initial download, sellers will lose the option to access it again, and will need to ask the buyer to repurchase it.

Purchasing and payments for stock media assets

There are two different ways to add licensed media into your Gigs for buyers to purchase:

  1. Pricing factor with a fixed price
    Each media asset will have a fixed price based on the type of media (ex. Audio tracks are $2 per asset).

  2. Gig Extra
    Each additional licensed media type (audio track, image, or video clip) can be added as an Extra.

Please note: Your Gig pricing total will need to be a multiple of $5. You will receive an alert to alter the total price if it’s not a $5 multiple.

For example: If your subtotal is $27, you will need to adjust the total to be either $25 or $30.


For Standard license purchases, sellers will receive a 20% revenue share of each PF (pricing factor) or Extra (after the fees).

Please note: Fiverr may offer buyers to enhance their Standard License after the purchase. Sellers aren’t entitled to additional revenue for these enhanced licenses.


Cancellations and refunds

How to handle cancellations

Cancellations work like any other order on Fiverr. If a buyer requests to cancel after the order is completed and delivered, the funds for the media items will return to the buyer.

Once the cancellation is approved, the purchased licenses will not be valid anymore, even if the delivery includes the licensed media assets.



If the order is cancelled for any reason, the buyer loses the rights to the media included in the order, even if it’s completed and delivered.
Learn more about disputes and cancellations with Fiverr's Payment Terms.

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