How Fiverr ads works: Ad ranking explained

Fiverr ads uses an auctioning system when it comes to ad placements.
Ad placement refers to an ad that
appears in a prime location (like at the top of listings), where buyers are the most likely place see it.

A higher ad placement increases your Gig’s visibility, which leads to more clicks, and ultimately translates into an increase in orders.

The more orders you have, the greater your chances are to win further 5-star reviews, make your way up the
Levels ladder, and boost your overall sales on Fiverr. 


Helpful ad placements tips

To achieve the most optimal ad placement, consider the following factors: 


Match Score

Your Match Score represents to what extent your service matches a specific buyer's needs.
This has a consequential effect on how likely a buyer is to click on your Gig.  

Other factors that determine a Gig’s Match score include:

  • Gig appearance quality
    The way you choose to present your Gig can make a substantial impact on buyers’ choices.
    Ensure that you use an appealing Gig title, and high-quality and high-resolution videos/images.
    Learn more with Creating a Gig.

  • Gig delivery quality
    Your overall performance within an order, communication, buyer satisfaction, and buyer potential to return to your Gig, are all taken into account within your Match Score.

To increase the chances of your Gigs winning in an ad auction, we highly recommend using the same methods used to make your Gigs more appealing to buyers.

Learn more tips and tricks to improve your Gigs with Fiverr Seller: Gigs and Fiverr Seller: Tips

To better understand how to improve your Gigs, you can join our Seller Plus program, and schedule a consultation with one of our Success Managers


Bid amount

A bid is the highest amount you are willing to pay per click on a Fiverr ad.

Bids are automatically set by Fiverr up to a set CPC (Cost-Per-Click) cap—if specified.
This is to keep your ad competitive in a given auction.

This is further supplemented by the automatic bidding process formula—which has been carefully crafted with the aim to optimize your return over time. 


How is the bid amount calculated?

The bidding formula calculates the bid. 
Note: Sellers also have the ability to set their own CPC cap and limit this bid.

Some of the factors that affect the bid amount’s calculation are:

  • Conversion Rate (CR)
    The likelihood of receiving an order once the ad has been clicked.
  • Revenue per click
    How valuable a click is to the seller. For example, if, on average, 10 clicks generate one order of $50, that means that every click is worth $5.
  • Competition
    This refers to the level of competition in the specific service category at the time of the potential buyer’s search as the more sellers competing in a domain, the higher the bid will be.
  • Return over ad spend (ROAS)
    The smart algorithm aims to optimize the seller's ROAS over time.


How much will I pay per click? 

The higher your Match Score is, the less you’ll need to bid to win your ad placement.

Remember: You will only pay if a potential buyer clicks on your ad. The amount is determined based on the results of a first-price auction mechanism.

Fiverr’s automatic bidding process formula aims to optimize your return over time.
That’s why we’ve designed our smart algorithm to set the bids on your behalf, with the option to control and set limits that are suitable for you.

As a seller, you have the ability to set a CPC cap (for each click) and daily budget (for all clicks combined) directly from your Fiverr ads dashboard.
This option ensures that the bid amount will stay within the spending limits that you choose in advance.

Note: A low CPC cap may affect the algorithm’s efforts to fully optimize your return over time, and sellers may be less competitive —especially in auctions for high-valued potential buyers. 

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