Save your preferred method of payment for an easier and faster checkout when purchasing on Fiverr. You can save your credit, debit card, or your PayPal account as your preferred method of payment. To see how to set up your preferred method, see the instructions below.
Credit Card
To save your card details:
- On the Confirm & Pay page > Credit & Debit Cards.
- Mark the save as default checkbox.
- Complete the required card details.
- Click Make Payment.
Your card details will now be saved for the next purchase!
To pay with your saved card:
- On the Confirm & Pay page > Credit & Debit Cards.
- Click Place Your Order.
To connect your PayPal account:
- On the Confirm & Pay page > PayPal.
- Mark the Remember for future payments checkbox.
- Click PayPal Checkout.
- You will be redirected to PayPal.
Note: Be sure to follow the instructions. Once your payment is approved, your PayPal Account will be connected.
To pay with your connected PayPal Account:
- On the payment page > Place Your Order.
- Your PayPal Account will be charged with no additional login required.
Note: You can pay with a different funding source or a different account by clicking the dropdown arrow next to your saved PayPal account.
PayPal mobile
To connect your PayPal mobile for Android:
- Click the 3 dashes on the top left > Settings > Payment Options.
Removing a saved payment method
Note: Fiver Pro admins can add/remove cards under Billing> Payment method.
Remove your saved credit card or PayPal Account details:
- Log in and click your Profile Picture.
- Go to your Billing and Payments > Payment methods.
- Credit Card for Payments or PayPal for Payments > Remove.