My account is a buyer account. I want to be a seller.

By default, all accounts on Fiverr are created as buyer accounts. Before you can create and sell Gigs on Fiverr, you’ll be required to create and activate a seller account.

How to create and activate your seller account 

All sellers are reviewed during the sign-up and Gig creation process and are subject to approval by Fiverr.
Learn more with our Terms of Service.

1. Log in > Profile picture > select Become a Seller from the dropdown menu. Screen_Shot_2021-05-05_at_16.39.22.png
2. On the page you are redirected to, click on Become a Seller again. You'll then be directed to start the onboarding process (the screen shown here).

Note: The process includes watching three videos on How to use Fiverr as a seller.

3. Once you're done watching the videos, you will be directed to Fiverr's tips:

  • What makes a successful Fiverr profile
  • What to steer clear of as a seller


Then, click Continue

4. Complete the mandatory fields marked with * (an asterisk).

Note: Be sure to complete your onboarding using only truthful and accurate information regarding your training, working experience, and skills. The more accurate and detailed the information you add is, the better your seller profile will be.
5. At the end of the onboarding process, you'll need to phone verify your account.

Learn more with Verifying your account using your phone.
6. The final step is to Create Your First Gig to offer your services as a seller on Fiverr!

Learn about Gig tips and tricks with Creating a Gig.


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