1. Do I have to pay a purchase tax on services I buy?
Currently, Fiverr collects taxes from customers and transfers the taxes to the governments of the countries listed under Taxes on purchases. If you need invoices for tax purposes, then add your tax ID to your billing info.
2. How do I get an invoice labeled “original”?
To get an original invoice:
- All invoices will be available on the Billing history page
- Get your invoices emailed to you by marking the checkbox at the bottom of your billing info page
- If you can’t find your invoice, please contact Customer Support using the Contact us tab at the bottom of the page.
3. How do I update my billing info for past purchases?
You cannot update your billing info for past purchases.
4. How do I update an invoice with more/less information?
While you can update your billing information before making a purchase, invoice content cannot be customized.
5. How do I get a single file that includes multiple invoices?
If you need multiple invoices, for example, invoices issued over several years, please contact Customer Support using the Contact us tab at the bottom of the page.
They will create separate files where each one will include all the invoices (in PDF format) related to a single period (up to one year). Download multiple invoices via your Billing History page.
6. How do I get a single invoice that includes all my purchases?
At this time, it isn’t possible to create a single, consolidated invoice. However, if required, Customer Support can create separate files where each one will include all the invoices (in PDF format) that are related to a single period of time (up to one year).
7. Can I see my invoices on the mobile app?
Currently, invoices are not available on the mobile app.