Accepting deliveries using the mobile app

Once your order is delivered, you can accept the order and provide a review, decide whether or not to display the delivered work on the seller's Gig page (in the Live Portfolio work samples area), and share it on social networks.

If you're not ready to accept or aren't satisfied with the delivery, you can request revisions and continue working with your seller.

Receiving a delivery

As soon as your seller delivers the order, you'll be able to accept it or ask for modifications.
  1. Once your order is delivered, you will see a notification in the Notifications icon at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Within the order page, click either Approve delivery or I'm not ready yet.
  • If no action is taken after three days, your order will auto-complete
  • If you click Request revisions, you can simply write a message to your seller and explain what you would like them to revise

Accept and review an order

To accept and leave a review for your order:

  1. Once you click Approve delivery, you'll be offered to share your public rating and feedback for the seller with the community
  2. Click Submit when you're done.
  3. If you are satisfied with your order, you'll be able to leave a tip for the seller. 
  4. You can also give a Custom Tip by clicking Enter custom amount.


  • You can also leave a tip at a later point from your order’s page
  • Once you rate the delivery, you will have the option to share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, or by email

Request revisions or extend your review time

If you aren't ready to accept the delivery, you can select I'm not ready yet.

  1. In the text box, explain in more detail why you selected I'm not ready yet.
  2. You'll also have options to select and provide what is needed:
    • I need a revision
      This is if the seller needs to revise or change something with the delivery.

    • I need more time to review
      If you need more time to review the delivery.
      Note: The buyer can add up to 5 days per delivery, and can make multiple requests.
      Not all requests need to be submitted at once.

    • Resolution Center
      If you are dissatisfied with the delivery or need help resolving an issue, you can visit the Resolution Center for buyers.

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