7 apps to help your Gig photos look better

As the iPhone and other industry leading smartphones improve their cameras, and make them more professional photography friendly, applications dedicated to editing and retouching images have also improved as well.

This is great for Fiverr sellers whose Gig photos need a little touchup. Or, if you’d like to make small tweaks to images that you’ve already purchased. Many apps now do much more than simple editing and retouching of images, but they allow you to take better images in general.
Here are 7 apps that can help you take better images in minutes: 
1. Photoshop express
Photoshop Express has been on the Apple App Store since Adobe launched the application back in September 2011. Photoshop Express provides users with basic editing features on an iPhone or Android device.
The app allows users to make quick one-touch corrections to any image, add a filter with another tap, and improve contrast, exposure, and white balance with a set of slide controls for an altogether better image. Know what’s even better? The app is available for Free from the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.
2. Photoshop touch
Photoshop Touch is yet another photo application from Adobe’s mobile suite and adds several other features that Photoshop Express doesn’t carry. It is quite possibly one of the most powerful tablet applications you will ever use, especially because it offers several familiar Photoshop features but provides the convenience of a mobile device and touch screen. Photoshop Touch includes features such as Refine Edge–so you can capture incredibly small objects–and also allows users to work with high-resolution images up to 12 megapixels. Also available for iPhone and Android.
3. Camera+
This app is the closest you can get to making your smartphone into a DSLR, as it maximizes the capabilities of the iPhone’s camera. Camera+ can provide continuous flash, even for images and can also shoot in burst mode. After shooting, you can then edit directly within the application. It doesn’t get any simpler than this.
4. Pixlr
Need a great editing tool wherever you are? Pixlr is quite possibly the easiest to access because it is web based. Autodesk, the firm behind the editing software has also made it available for mobile devices as an app so you can use the same powerful features from the web anywhere you are.
Though not available on mobile devices, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is much like a stripped down version of Photoshop with a much simpler user interface. The app will fulfill most of your everyday photo needs but will also cost you nothing.
6. Camera plus
Shooting close up? Though it sports the same name as other camera applications, Camera Plus allows users to snap Macro, Normal, and Far shots and also allows you to control the exposure with one large slide control. Say goodbye to distorted and dark Macro shots.
7. Photoristic HD
Photoristic HD is a blend of power, convenience, and simplicity. This iPhone app can handle high-resolution images above 15 megapixels but still has straightforward controls for tones and other basic editing features such as exposure and contrast.

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