Country |
TIN Local Name |
Format |
Businesses |
Individuals |
Americas |
Argentina |
CUIT (Unique Tax Identification Code - Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria) |
This number is made up of 2 identification digits - 8 digits - and a validation digit (xx-yyyyyyyy-z). |
The 2 identification numbers are as follows 30 companies 33 or 34 can be used for subsidiary purposes. The next 8 digits are randomly assigned. The last validation digit is calculated using the modulo 11 algorithm. |
The 2 identification numbers are as follows: 20 men 27 women 23, 24, 25, or 26 can be used for subsidiary purposes for both men and women. The next eight digits make up the individual tax number. The last validation digit is calculated using the modulo 11 algorithm. |
Brazil |
Businesses: CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities - Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) Individuals: CPF (Individuals Registry - Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) |
Businesses: 14 digits Individuals: 11 digits |
With a format as follows The first eight digits identify the legal person, the four digits after the slash identify the branch or subsidiary, and the last two digits result from an arithmetic operation on the previous digits |
With a format as follows The two last digits are the result of an arithmetic operation on the nine previous digits |
Canada |
Businesses: GST/HST (Goods and Services Tax /Harmonized Sales Tax) Program Account Number Individuals: SIN (Social Insurance Number) |
Businesses: It is a combination of a business number and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Program Account number Individuals: This number is a unique 9-digit number |
A Business Number is a unique 9-digit number. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) program account numbers are two letters and four digits. i.e., 123456789 RC 0001 |
i.e., 123456789 |
Chile |
Businesses: RUT (Unique Tax Number - Rol Único Tributario) Individuals: RUN (Unique National Role - Rol Único Nacional) |
These numbers have a 9-character identifier, consisting of an 8-digit serial number and a 1-digit verification character (number 0-9 or the letter K) |
i.e., 12.345.678-1 |
i.e., 12.345.678-1 |
Colombia |
NIT (Tax Identification Number - Número de identificación Tributaria) |
Businesses: 10-digit number Individuals: 9-digit number |
9 digits assigned by the authority + 1 validation digit |
8 digits from the ID + 1 validation digit |
Mexico |
RFC (Federal Taxpayers Register - Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) |
Businesses: 12 digits Individuals: 13 digits |
With a format as follows xxx-yyyyyy-zzz (x = letters, y = numbers, z = alphanumeric) xxx = firsts three letters of the company name yy = last 2 numbers of the year of incorporation yy = 2 numbers of the month of incorporation yy = 2 numbers of the day of incorporation zzz = alphanumeric digits randomly assigned |
With a format as follows xxxx-yyyyyy-zzz (x = letters, y = numbers, z = alphanumeric). x = first letter of the first surname x = first vowel of the first surname x = first letter of the second surname x = first letter of the first name yy = last 2 numbers of the year of birth yy = 2 numbers of the month of birth yy = 2 numbers of the day of birth zzz = alphanumeric digits randomly assigned |
United States |
EIN (Employer Identity Number) |
9-digit number |
i.e., xx-xxxxxxx |
i.e., xx-xxxxxxx |
Europe |
Austria |
UID (VAT number - Umsatzsteuer-Identifikations-nummer) |
Intra-community: 11-digit code Domestic: 9-digit code |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters AT plus the domestic code Domestic: the letter U + 8 numerals |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters AT plus the domestic code Domestic: the letter U + 8 numerals |
Belgium |
Business: BTW nummer or TVA Numéro (VAT number) Individuals: NN (National Number - Numéro National) |
Intra-community: 12 or 13-digit code Business: 10-digit number Individuals: 11-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters BE plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals. The first one is always a 0, but once it runs out of numbers, it will start with 1 and so on. The last 2 digits constitute a control number. |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters BE plus the domestic code Domestic: 11 numerals |
Bulgaria |
ДДС номер (VAT number) |
Intra-community: 12-digits code Domestic: 10-digit numbers |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters BG plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals and it starts with 307 |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters BG plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals |
Croatia |
OIB (Personal Identification Number - Osobni identifikacijski broj) |
Intra-community: 13-digit code Domestic: 11-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters HR plus the domestic code Domestic: 11 numerals |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters HR plus the domestic code Domestic: 11 numerals |
Cyprus |
Αριθμός Εγγραφής Φ.Π.Α. (VAT Registration number) |
Intra-community: 11-digit code Domestic: 9-digit code |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters CY plus the domestic code Domestic: 9 characters. The first 8 digits are numbers, from which the first digit shall be a 6. The last digit is a Latin letter that works as an alphabetic control character |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters CY plus the domestic code Domestic: 9 characters. The first 8 digits are numbers, from which the first digit shall be a 6. The last digit is a Latin letter that works as an alphabetic control character |
Czechia |
DIČ (Tax Identification Number - daňové identifikační číslo) |
Intra-community: 10 or 12-digit code Business: 8-digit number Individuals: 10-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters CZ plus the domestic code Domestic: 8 numerals that usually are the IČO (Registration number - Identifikační číslo) |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters CZ plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals that usually are the birth number identification |
Denmark |
Business: CVR (Det Centrale Virksomheds-register - Danish Central Business Register) Individuals: CPR (Det Centrale Personregister - Personal Identification number) |
Intra-community: 10 or 12-digit code Business: 8-digit number Individuals: 10-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters DK plus the domestic code Domestic: 8 numerals and the last digit is a check one |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters DK plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals with a hyphen between the 6th and 7th digit |
Finland |
Business: ALV nro (VAT Number - Arvonlisävero-numero) Individuals: HETU (Social Security Number - henkilötunnus) |
Intra-community: 10 or 13-digit code Business: 8-digit number Individuals: 11-digit code |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters FI plus the domestic code Domestic: 8 numerals with the following format |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters FI plus the domestic code Domestic: 11 characters with the following format xxxxxxyxxxz x=numbers y=+ sign, - sign, or the letter A z=a letter or a number |
France |
Intra-community: Numéro de TVA intra-communautaire (intra-community VAT number) Domestic: SIREN (Business Directory Identification System - Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises) |
Intra-community: 13-digit code Domestic: 9-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letter FR followed by 2 check characters that can be either letters or number and the 9 SIREN digits Domestic: 9 numerals from which the last digit is a check one |
Intra-community: it starts with the letter FR followed by 2 check characters that can be either letters or number and the 9 SIREN digits Domestic: 9 numerals from which the last digit is a check one |
Germany |
Intra-community: USt-IdNr (VAT identification number - Umsatzsteuer-Identifikations-nummer) Businesses: St.-Nr. (Tax number - Steuernummer) Individuals: Steuer-ID (Tax identification number - steuerliche Identifikations-nummer) |
Intra-community: 11-digit code Businesses: 10 or 11-digit code Individuals: 11-digit number |
Intra-community: DExxxxxxxxx. It always starts with the letters DE plus 9 numerical digits Domestic: It is structured differently per federal state. Usually, it starts with 2 letters followed by 8 or 9 numerals |
Intra-community: DExxxxxxxxx. It always starts with the letters DE plus 9 numerical digits Domestic: 11 numerals |
Hungary |
Business: Adószám (Tax Number) Individuals: Adóazonosító jel (Tax Identification number) |
Intra-community: 12 or 13-digit code Business: 11-digit number Individuals: 10-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters HU plus the domestic code Domestic: 11 numerals with the following format xxxxxxxx-x-xx |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters HU plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals |
Ireland |
VAT number |
Intra-community: 10 or 11-digit code Domestic: 8 or 9-digit code |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters IE plus the domestic code Domestic: 7 numerals plus 1 or 2 letters |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters IE plus the domestic code Domestic: 7 numerals plus 1 or 2 letters |
Italy |
Partita IVA (VAT number) |
Intra-community: 13-digit code Domestic: 11-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters IT plus the domestic number Domestic: it has this format: xxxxxxxyyyz x=serial number in the registry of the province where the competent revenue agency office is located y=identification number of the province where the competent revenue agency is located z=check digit |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters IT plus the domestic number Domestic: it has this format: xxxxxxxyyyz x=serial number in the registry of the province where the competent revenue agency office is located y=identification number of the province where the competent revenue agency is located z=check digit |
Netherlands |
Btw-identificatie-nummer (VAT number - belasting over toegevoegde waarde identificatienummer) |
Intra-community: 14-digit code Domestic: 12-digit code |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters NL plus the domestic code Domestic: 9 numerals plus the letter B and two numerals |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters NL plus the domestic code Domestic: 9 numerals that belong to the citizen service number plus the letter B and two numerals |
Poland |
NIP (Tax identification number - Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej) |
Intra-community: 12-digit code Domestic: 10-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters PL plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters PL plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals |
Portugal |
Business: NIPC (Corporate Identification Number - Número de Identificação de Pessoa Colectiva) Individuals: NIF (Tax Identification Number - Número de Identificação Fiscal) |
Intra-community: 11-digit code Business: 9-digit number Individuals: 9-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters PT plus the domestic code Domestic: 9 numerals |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters PT plus the domestic code Domestic: 9 numerals |
Romania |
Business: CIF (Fiscal Identification Code - Codul de identificare fiscală) Individuals: CNP (Personal Identification Number - Codul numeric personal) |
Intra-community: from 4 to 12 or 15-digit code Business: from 2 to 10-digit number Individuals: 13-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters RO plus the domestic code Domestic: from 2 to 10 numerals |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters RO plus the domestic code Domestic: 13 numerals |
Spain |
NIF (Fiscal Identification Number - Número de Identificación Fiscal) |
Intra-community: 11-digit code Domestic: 9-digit code |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters ES plus the domestic number Domestic: it has this format xyyyyyyyz x=a letter that indicates the legal form which can be: A Public limited companies B Limited liability companies C Commercial partnerships D Limited partnerships E Unincorporated firms and other entities without legal personality not specifically covered by other codes F Cooperative societies G Associations H Residents' associations under the horizontal property regime J Civil associations N Foreign entities without a permanent establishment P Local companies Q Public institutions R Religious communities and institutions S State Administration and Autonomous Community Institutions U Temporary consortia and joint ventures V Other types not defined in the other codes W Permanent establishments of entities not resident on Spanish territory y=7 randomly assigned numbers z=check number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters IT plus the domestic number Domestic: it consists of 9 numerals of the individual’s ID. If it is a foreign resident, the first character is a letter rather than a number. It is L if it is a Spanish person living abroad, or M if it is not |
Sweden |
Business: Momsregistrerings-nummer (VAT Registration Number) Individuals: Samordnings-nummer (Coordination number) |
Intra-community: 12-digit code Business: 12-digit number Individuals: 10-digit number |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters SE plus the domestic code Domestic: 12 numerals. With a format as it follows Organization Number + 01 |
Intra-community: it starts with the letters SE plus the domestic code Domestic: 10 numerals. With a format as follows 6-digit date of birth (the day is increased by 60) + 3-digit birth number + 1 check digit |
United Kingdom |
Businesses: VAT number Individuals: UTR (Unique Tax Reference) |
Businesses: 11-digit code Individuals: 10-digit number |
With a format as follows GBxxxxxxxxx It always starts with the letters GB plus 9 numerical digits. However, if the entity is resident in Nothern Ireland, it starts with the letters XI |
10 num |
China |
Businesses: USCC (Uniform Social Credit Code) Individuals: National ID number |
18-digit code |
There are 18 numerals with sometimes letters appearing in the last 10 characters, especially the 9th, 10th, 13rd and 18th |
There are 18 numerals or 17 numerals followed by the letter “x” |
India |
CIN - (Corporate Identity Number) |
21-digit code |
Indonesia |
NPWP (Tax Identification Number - Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) |
16-digit number |
i.e., 123456789123456 |
It is the NIK number (Residential Identity Number - Nomor Induk Kependudukan.) With a format as it follows xxvvzz-ddmmyy-tttt x=province code v=district code within the province z=kecamatan code within the city d=day of birth m=month of birth y=year of birth t=unique serial number |
Japan |
Businesses: Corporate Number Individuals: My Number |
Businesses: 13-digit number Individuals: 12-digit number |
i.e., 1234567891234 |
i.e.,123456789123 |
Malaysia |
Nombor Pengenalan Cukai (Tax Identification Number) |
8 or 10 digits code |
Depending on the type of business, it starts with: C=Companies CS=Cooperative Societies D=Partnerships E=Employers F=Associations FA=Non-Resident Public Entertainers J=Hindu Joint Families LE=Labuan Entities PT=Limited Liability Partnerships TA=Trust Bodies TC=Unit Trusts/ Property Trusts TN=Business Trusts TR=Real Estate Investment Trusts/ Property Trust Funds TP=Deceased Person’s Estate Followed by numbers where the last digit is a 0 |
It always starts with the letters IG followed by numbers |
Philippines |
12-digit number |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxxxx |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Singapore |
Businesses: UEN Individuals: NRIC |
Businesses: 9 characters Individuals: 9 characters |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxy x=numbers y=check letter |
With a format as follows xyyyyyyyz x=a letter that can be: S (Singapore citizens and permanent residents born before the year 2000), T (Singapore citizens and permanent residents born in and after 2000), F (Foreigners holding employment or student passes issued before 2000), G (Foreigners holding employment or student passes issued in and after 2000), M (Foreigners holding employment or student passes issued in and after 2022) y=7-digit serial number z=check digit letter |
South Korea |
Business Registration Number |
10-digit code |
With a format as follows xxx-yy-zzzza xxx=three digit number between 101 and 999 yy=2 numbers that distinguish between: 89: non-corporate religious organization 81, 86, 87, 88: head office of a for-profit corporation 82: head or branch office of a nonprofit corporation 83: country, local government or local government association 84: head, branch or liaison office of a foreign corporation 85: branch office of a for-profit corporation zzzz=four digit number between 0001-9999 a=check digit |
With a format as follows xxx-yy-zzzza xxx=three digit number between 101 and 999 yy=2 numbers that distinguish between: 01-79: sole proprietor liable for VAT 90-99: sole proprietor exempted from VAT zzzz=four digit number between 0001-9999 a=check digit |
Taiwan |
Businesses: BAN (Business Administration Number) Individuals: National ID number |
Businesses: 8-digit number Individuals: 10-digit code |
i.e., 12345678 |
An alphabetic letter in the first place and 9 digits string |
Thailand |
เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษีอากร (TIN) |
13-digit number |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxxxxx |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Vietnam |
Mã Sṍ Thuḗ (Personal Tax Code) |
10-digit number |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxx |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxx |
Africa\MiddleEast |
Egypt |
9-digit number |
With a format as follows xxx-xxx-xxx |
With a format as follows xxx-xxx-xxx |
Ghana |
10-digit code |
With a format as follows xxxyxxxxxx x=numbers y=capitalized letter |
With a format as follows xxxyxxxxxx x=numbers y=capitalized letter |
Kenya |
PIN (Personal Identification Number) |
8-digit code |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxy x=numbers y=alphanumeric |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxy x=numbers y=alphanumeric |
Morocco |
IF (Tax Identification - Identifiant Fiscal) |
8-digit number |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxx |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxx |
South Africa |
SARSN (South Africa Revenue Service Number) |
10-digit number |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxx It can only start with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9 |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxx It can only start with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9 |
Turkey |
VKN (Tax Identification Number - Vergi Kimlik Numarası) |
Businesses: 10-digit number Individuals: 11-digit number |
Digits can be any number between 0 and 9. If the company name starts with A, the first digit is 0; if it starts with B, it is 1; if it starts with Y or Z, it is 9, hence forth. |
It is the National ID number |
United Arab Emirates |
TRN (Tax Registration Number) |
15-digit number |
i.e., 123456789123456 |
i.e., 123456789123456 |
Israel |
VAT Code |
9-digit number |
i.e., 123456789 |
National ID number i.e., 123456789 |
Saudi Arabia |
الرقم الضريبي (VAT Account number) |
15-digit number |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It only starts with 3 which indicates Saudi Arabia as country member of the GCC Then, 8 serial digit numbers, a check digit number, 3 digit numbers that indicates subsidiary or branch, and the last 2 digit numbers indicate the tax type |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It only starts with 3 which indicates Saudi Arabia as country member of the GCC Then, 8 serial digit numbers, a check digit number, 3 digit numbers that indicates subsidiary or branch, and the last 2 digit numbers indicate the tax type |
Oceania |
Australia |
ABN (Australian Business Number) |
11-digit number |
With a format as follows xx xxx xxx xxx The first 2 digits will be derived from the subsequent 9 digits using a modulus 89 check digit calculation |
With a format as follows xx xxx xxx xxx The first 2 digits will be derived from the subsequent 9 digits using a modulus 89 check digit calculation |
New Zealand |
IRDN (Inland Revenue Department Number) |
9-digit number (some old IRDN consists of 8-digit number) |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxx A (7 or) 8-digit base number plus a trailing check digit |
With a format as follows xxxxxxxxx A (7 or) 8-digit base number plus a trailing check digit |