Gig images: Combining graphics, photos, and text

Your Gig Image can be a combination of graphics, text, and/or photos.

If you want to combine multiple types of media, it’s important to make sure that there is one main object in focus.

Let’s review some helpful tips to keep in mind when creating a Gig image with different types of visuals.

Less is more

Make sure the image is pleasing to the eye—avoid too much text or unnecessary visuals.



Organize the information

Include enough information to grasp your audience’s attention, but not too much that they get overwhelmed or confused looking at your graphic.

The key is for potential buyers to get an accurate feel for your service and style with a quick glance.
Utilize the main object in the image/text by making it stand out from the background.


Using stock images

You can use stock images in your Gig image if you’d like.
Learn more about the requirements and guidelines with Gig image: Using stock images.

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